Various Initiatives at Facebook that Failed

BENGALURU: Facebook being the hottest topic every individual, barring the age group, caste, creed, gender and other differentiating factor, has severely failed to move forward with several of its developments. As a site being highly visited for its social value, had several products and innovations that failed to impress and grab the attention of users. The major reason behind the failure is that several of these products were seen violating net neutrality, privacy laws or a host of several other laws, according to

Out of the heavy list of products that contributed to dragging down Facebook’s popularity, following are the 10 products that contributed to the failure, resulting in loss of capital.


By topping the list of the failed products, Parse is a mobile development platform that was purchased by Facebook very recently in the year 2013. However, Facebook was bound to shut down Parse without any evident reason as such, even though having a healthy list of clients. 

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