Unique Gadgets to Count on that Can Bring Difference into Your Life

Adidas-as a Soccer Coach

Previously adidas used to be known for its clothes and shoes but the recent scenario exhibits its footprints into the technological field. Adidas?s wearable devices has been acclaimed by users for its GPS capacity, heart rate monitoring functionality and 8 hours long battery services whereas its Smart Ball differentiates itself as a training coach that records strike points, speed, and spin of a soccer ball and also ?tracks information. The gadget sends tracked information in user?s apple or android devices.

Quell- A wearable intensive nerve stimulation solution

Quell discloses itself as the first wearable device that promises users to relive their chronic pain. The manufacturer of Quell developed it as a drugs free wearable intensive nerve stimulation solution. Users have to wrap it around their knee, push the button on the strap and it will start working.

Read Also: Intriguing Technology Trends Exhibited at Mobile World Congress 2016

New App to Help Spot Cancer Early