Union Budget 2016: Key Tech Announcements for Companies & Consumers

Approval for Start Up India Campaign

The campaign was initiated in January 2016 by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The StartUp India campaign is aimed at bringing benefits to entrepreneurs, especially in the innovation and technology sector. The government announced the tax rebates to eligible entrepreneurs for the first three to five years from commencement of business.

E-Platform for Rural Agricultural Producers

The Union Budget made a reference to the setting up of an online e-commerce portal that will provide a platform for the agricultural producers to register and sell their products online. This move is intended to put an end to the hassles of traders and intermediaries. The government claims at easy to use e-platform that will be further complimented by the digital literacy programs. With this project, the government aims to connect upto 250 local mandis by September 2016 and 585 mandis by March 2018.

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