Twitter Not Reliable Source For Election Predictions: Study

BENGALURU: ‘More tweets leads to more votes’ is proved to be wrong reveals a new study conducted by Social Science Computer. The study blooms out exposing the fact that Election predictions are difficult to gauge based on the scrolls through the tweets in Twitter. , researchers of Social Science Computer analyzed on 2013 German Federal election and came up with an observation that Twitter data was a more accurate measure of the interest level in candidates than the level of support they would receive.  

The study reveals that the volume of Twitter messages each day, referring to candidates or parties, fluctuate heavily depending on the events of day such as televised leader’s debates, high-profile interviews with candidates. Based on the analysis, the study points that Negative events, such as political scandals, as well as positively evaluated events, such as accomplishments, can (both) underlie attention for a party or candidate, and this affects the support rate for a candidate in different ways.

To elaborate the revelation, Social Science Computer researcher’s put forth an example of a candidate, posting a video which broadcasts campaigns and other blunders as fresh news may attract Twitterati’s attention but more likely to provide political support. Trolling for better indications of success at the ballot box, researchers observed that Twitter’s “highly skewed” user base did not turn up to be a part of the overall voting population, but Google search is considered far more reliable in predicting elections.

Today, social media platforms like the Twitter, Facebook are viral among the ‘Generation X’. The analysis of research data shows that Twitterati need not necessarily reflect the demographics of population as a whole. Providing an overview of the latest political gossips trended by media apps, Business Standard throws light on the report from Time magazine, where Twitterati’s favored the winning candidates,  Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump in the latest Iowa legislative meeting, These contenders are battling to be nominated for 8 November 2016 elections to out date the President, Barack Obama.

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