Truecaller Launches Truemessenger App In India

BENGALURU: Advance caller id service provider, Truecaller, launched another app for  Android, Apple iOS and Windows platforms called the  Truemessenger. The main purpose of the new app is to identify the sender of the message, reports

The Truemessenger will identify the sender in the same way, Truecaller identifies the caller. Having the new messaging app will help the user in sorting out the spam messages and sending them directly to the spam or junk folder.

Alan Mamedi, CEO and co-founder of Truecaller,said that, “Today’s messaging apps are under constant attack from spammers and surrounded by uncertainty, but when we communicate via email for instance, our email app shows you the sender’s name and filters out spam messages for you, but SMS has lacked these essential components – until today. With Truemessenger we’ve re-imagined the SMS app experience by making it more social and putting control back into the users’ hands so they always know who they are communicating with.”

Kari Krishnamurthy, Truecaller India Country Manager, said that, “In India, we have 80 million users and plan to take it to 150 million by end of this year. The company has been focusing on user’s experience and enhancing user base. We have also removed advertisements to enhance user experience. It will be disappointing if we don’t achieve 150 million user base in India.”

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