Top 8 Efficient Tech Advancements of 2015

Better Batteries

Any energy produced must be stored in batteries to utilize later when needed. That is where lots of research is going on to build the best battery. So, every few weeks comes an announcement of a new idea. Tesla’s Musk unveiled battery products that he plans to mass produce in his $5 billion Gigafactory in Nevada. And there are other universities and companies that are challenging Tesla’s battery.

Home Automation

Home Automation enables the user to be smart and use smart devices to his needs and also saving energy. This year’s debut of the Apple Watch took the trend to another level. This wearable electronic can remotely operate LEDs, CFLs, and smart thermostats that are compatible with Apple’s HomeKit, a suite of products that talk to each other. There are many individual startups and companies that are dedicating a lot of research to bring out smart devices.

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