Top 5 Dominant Tech Companies 2015

BANGALORE: As we all know this era has seen major technology changes in the world there are some tech giants who rose up to the occasions. There are a lot of techies in the world who are dreaming to bring a change through their talent. 2015 was a year for startups; it saw the rise of numerous companies which are trying to make their way to the top. But as the year is going to end soon let us take a look at five most dominant tech companies in 2015 as compiled by Yahoo News.


The American international transportation network company that develops markets and operates the Uber mobile app Uber Technologies is at the top spot. The company allows consumers with smartphones to submit a trip request which is then routed to Uber drivers who use their own cars. As of May 28, 2015, the service was available in 58 countries and 300 cities worldwide. The company has grown globally and has succeeded in their marketing trend of "Uberification". In 2015 it has grown strong in popularity and no more address them as a startup.

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