Top 2 Tech Innovations Driving Indian Economy


Smart city

Smart cities are slowly gaining their recognition for their numerous benefits and are drawing public and government attention towards them. These cities ensure maximize efficiency, sustainability, and also to provide a better lifestyle. Safety is a significant concern of the society we currently live in. The smart cities provide 24/7 surveillance through CCTV cameras and monitors every move in the surrounding. These smart cities also check the most prominent issues, such as water management, through the smart water system. These cities possess smart water grids to check the water wastage. The smart water system also checks the water quality to confirm if it is safe to consume. The pumps and valves in the water system operate on sensors that adjust their activity accordingly. In the present scenario, traffic is the major problem faced by every individual; these smart cities also address this by providing deteriorating equipment such as traffic lights, pedestrian signals along with checking the environmental conditions and more.

We are witnessing the technology upgrading at a rapid pace, and when these advancements are channelized and used with proper planning they could yield a lot more benefits. Through the future evolution of AR and VR, we could expect a lot more tech innovations to ease our lives as well as benefit our society.