TO THE NEW Digital sets Stage for GR8Conf, India's Biggest Grails Conference

BANGALORE: TO THE NEW Digital, a premium technology company and a global leader in Groovy and Grails development is organizing GR8Conf IN, Indian edition of the renowned GR8Conf in Denmark and the U.S.

OCI which is known for building high performance, mission critical systems and integration solutions is sponsoring GR8Conf IN. GR8Conf IN will take place at The Lalit Hotel, New Delhi on January 16, 2016 and focusses on technologies like Groovy, Grails, Gradle, Spock and Griffon.

GR8Conf INis a great learning platform for technology evangelists and will witness thought leaders and architects from the Grails community sharing knowledge, experiences and latest updates in the Groovy and Grails ecosystem.

This year’s GR8Conf will have Burt Beckwith, a renowned Grails Thought Leader and Author of Programming Grails, as a key note speaker. Other notable speakers include, Søren Berg Glasius -Co-founder - GR8Conf, Jacob AaeMikkelsen - Senior Software Engineer - Lego Group, Naresha K - Chief Technologist - Channel Bridge Software Labs, Paul King, Co-author of Manning’s best-seller: Groovy in Action, to name a few.

The conference agenda is divided into 2 parallel tracks and will have different sessions, such as Functional Programming with Groovy, Tour de Plugin, Fun with Spring Security, Designing with Groovy Traits, etc.

The full agenda of GR8Conf is available here at

This is the third edition of GR8Conf in India; last two editions were held as GrailsConf. From this year onwards, the conference will be organized as GR8Conf IN.

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