Tech Innovations That Will Envision Future Classrooms


Social interaction nowadays is as important as to educating oneself with  already many institutions around the world registering  themselves online. The next gen learning module will also include discussions which can be carried online through social channels.

The idea is that student can interact and share their ideas freely, in some ways lecturers can also guide in case of any incompetence in a topic. This Can be availed as a feedback portal to improvise the existing teaching module.

flexible displays# FLEXIBLE DISPLAYS

Notes replaced by tabs which have flexible displays to script in all information and after completion just roll it in and walk home. So, why should notebooks back down on improvement and not develop, they also have stepped in with technology to infiltrate the virtual end.

Coming to the roll on displays, already paper thin mobile prototypes are in the making. They will be in market in no time and divert to shifting bigger displays from hardened models to roll overs.

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