Smartclean - Cleaning Process Gets Upgraded With AI Immersion
Sangeetha P, Online Content Writer, siliconindia | Monday, 14 December 2020, 21:47 IST

The AI revolution is persistently revolutionizing every aspect of our lives and cleaning is the most exhausting task of our day to day has also brought in smart cleaning products ranging from hybrid vacuums to window cleaners and more. These new inventions are easing out our lives gives us the time-space to focus on other crucial tasks and make us more productive. However, these devices are designed to work on a variety of surfaces in and around one’s home making them versatile in the areas where textures differ.
Using machine learning and AI technology, these smart cleaning aid in evaluating and rates cleanliness in order to alert cleaners to issues, so these could be resolved quickly and resourcefully without much delay. The cleaning manager benefits from the data collected as it offers them the helpful insights to plan day-to-day operations, enabling predictive cleaning.
These AI-powered window cleaning devices function automatically to offer a hands-free experience to the users. Compact and intelligent gadgets are used to detect window frames and corners efficiently and aid in cleaning the window glass cleaning and polishing.
However, other smart cleaning innovative inventions include air monitors that aid in tracking the airborne pollutants in our surroundings. Along with a smart dishwasher system that could be controlled through an accompanying app and powered with voice commands and more.
These technological innovations strive to provide a solution for cleaning management at commercial properties with its end-to-end digital solutions. The system comprises patented sensors to monitor environmental conditions in real-time like providing wetness odor, missing consumables such as tissue, soap, sanitizer, and more. Furthermore, the system also put advanced analytics, machine learning, and predictive algorithms to compute the usage and cleaning requirements that are used to send alerts to cleaners with detailed work guidelines that could be used by managers to plan the resources prior.
The rising demand helps the cleaning industry to move from scheduled to on-demand operations and increasing productivity by more than 30 percent this improves the service quality resulting in net savings for the organization.
Moreover, the cleaning staff and officers could be trained by the customer success team who then keep close touch with the team and monitor the systems on the backend to recognize and rectify any issues. The sensors on the machinery observe the conditions that it is exposed to, in real-time, and the parameters for alerting are personalized for each of them according to the installation location. By the end of the pilot period, the client correctly identifies the effectiveness of the sensors in terms of productivity and ROI and decides on a fixed period contract.
Alongside the cleaning industry makes about $300billion globally and the industry out of which 60 percent is organized Commercial Cleaning segment out of which 50million people are involved in operations, and the manpower drives about 80 percent of the cost. In India, about more than 10million people are involved in cleaning operations with total market size of approximated to be $10billion. Thus, the cleaning industry is evolving to be one of the highly grossing industries across the globe and even simplifies the lives of every individual.
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