Simplifying Mobile Experience: 6 Advantages offered by Google Play Store

BANGALORE: A flurry of great apps, widgets and e-books are available on the Google Play Store to amuse any user. But what the store also provide users is with some features which makes their mobile experience simplified! With the help of the store, an android user can get better downloads and manage other options of the set in a much better way. Following is a list of tips for an android user as compiled by Joey Rogers of theworldbeast which will make their application interface experience even better.

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Restrict Purchases by using Passwords

Many-a-times there are incidents where small children click the purchase button unintentionally which cause unnecessary monetary losses. Well, we are sure this must have happened with you as well! Google Play Store gives an option to set a password to make the Google wallet more secure. In order to enable the restriction feature, go to Google Play Store settings and select password. Enter whatever password you like. This is also helpful when a single android device is been used by many users.

Adult Content Filtering

There are many apps on the Google Play Store and all the apps are segregated as per their maturity and genre. The maturity levels are determined on the basis of the users and many sections such as adult humor, violence, and gambling etc. are created. If there are children using your android mobile device, you can simply select the content filtering and choose the appropriate maturity level. This will not allow your children to mature early!!

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Order Display

When you are very active on the Play Store, you also need to keep track of your buying history. The Play Store provides a very easy option to do that. What you have to do is click on the Gear icon and this will allow you to review your orders and keep a track on how much you are spending and what are you actually spending on! This is a very systematic process to keep a track on your purchases.

Device control

There are times when a user’s android smart phone is stolen, lost, or misplaced! And the user haplessly tries to find his cell phone without a clue of where to look for it. The Google Play Store Version 3.2.25 has an app just for situations like these. The app is named as Android Device Manager which allows the user to lock the device, delete all the data inside it, or simply ring remotely. To install this app, go to the Google Play Store and click on the Gear icon, and use the Device Manager Icon.

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No more auto-adding widgets

Shortcut widget is automatically created each time a user downloads a new app form the Google Play Store. The result is that the home screen of a user’s device gets clogged with many apps most of which are not even used and others are not very important. Google Play Store gives Android users the power to customize their home screen and keep the widgets that they use on a regular basis only. To disable the auto adding feature, you have to go to the Play Store and de-select the ‘add’ icon on the home screen. Doing this will again simplify your user experience.

Google Map Stickers

An amazing feature is provided by the Google Map app which again makes the device experience better and simpler. This app gives you a feature called Google Map Stickers using which you can label all the important places in order to get quick directions and best available routes. This not only saves time but also makes Android experience more simple and easy.

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