Robo screening in B'luru hospital to protect healthcare warriors
siliconindia | Tuesday, 28 April 2020, 09:19 IST

A leading private hospital in this tech city has deployed two robots to screen patients and protect healthcare warriors from coronavirus, one of its officials said on Monday.
"The ‘mitra' robots interact with people using facial and speech recognition and screen them for Covid-19 symptoms like fever, cough and cold. They also protect healthcare warriors from being infected," spokesman of the Fortis Hospital told IANS here.
The first robot screens visitors, including patients, doctors, nurses, paramedics and others, in the lounge
"The robotic screening is done in two phases. The first robot conducts basic screening, including temperature check, followed by some questions on symptoms of cough and cold.
"If the patient's temperature is normal with no sign of cough and cold, the robot prints an entry pass, mentioning the screening results with his/her name and picture," explained the official.
The second robot connects the patient with the first robot's screening results to the flu clinic where a doctor diagnoses him/her without physical contact.
"The high infection rates among the healthcare workers the world over is hampering the efforts to tackle the pandemic, which has prompted us to consider robotic screening," Fortis zonal director Manish Mattoo said in a statement.
The robots screen patients, attendees and the hospital staff to ensure that no one with virus symptoms enter the hospital without being screened.
"With our OPDs (out-patient departments) resuming, chances of the virus transmission can also increase. The robots help us minimise the risk through human contact," added Matoo.