RIP Orkut! Grab This Last Chance to Preserve Your Important Data


With the objective of preserving Orkut’s history of connections and conversations, the archives will contain all public content from their respective communities.

Each and every one conversation counting polls, topics and comments will be searched and can be observed widely on the web. If you’ve created your own communities, deleting your profile won’t delete the communities you’ve created, but will only remove your name behind your comments. You will need to delete communities separately before deleting your profile.

(#)Scraps and testimonials

All scraps get deleted by deleting your Orkut account, which is also the case with testimonials. As there’s more response attached to testimonials, so you may choose to save all your testimonials to your computer using the Google Takeout service.

As mentioned earlier, you’ll be able to save these until September 2016. However, note that you won’t be able to access any of your scraps or testimonials after you’ve deleted your account.

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