Reality Check: 9 Things That Apple "Missed" Big Time

#2 Steve Jobs Thought Music Subscription Services Were "Bankrupt"

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Steve Jobs was highly critical of subscription music services at the time and said that it was the business that would just land you in bankruptcy. But one would say that this was an oversight that caused Apple to enter the streaming service late in the game.

"People don't want to buy their music as a subscription, they're going to want to buy downloads," said Jobs. "The subscription model of buying music is bankrupt. I think you could make available the Second Coming in a subscription model and it might not be successful."

#3 Steve Jobs Thought iTunes would only Sell Music, Not Movies

When Steve Jobs was asked "Do you see an iTunes movie store?" He replied, "We don't think that's what people want. A movie takes forever to download there's no instant gratification."

If you fast-forward to 2013, when Apple announced its movies services through "iTunes,” its users have downloaded more than one billion TV episodes and 380 million movies from iTunes to date, and this itself shows that it went wrong big time.

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