Not Sure About Getting a Job? Ask LinkedIn!

BANGALORE: Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary, Senior-secondary, Under-graduate or Post-graduate…students go through all these stages of education, and what for? Gaining knowledge? No, not at all (Well some of them do, but most of them don’t!). Then, what is the price for which students strive so hard for? JOBS! Yes, jobs! Though to study should not be subjected only to getting jobs but perhaps this is not the article to discuss about that!

Parents always yell at their children…study well or you won’t get a job! And well, taking their advice as words of caution, their children study. Soon comes a day when they have to appear for a job interview. An hour that would decide what they studied for decades and how well they did that! (Ironical, but true) This makes the students feel an adrenaline rush! They don’t know how the interview will go! They don’t know whether they will get the job or not! They don’t know whether they are employable or not! Anxious and unsure, students tend to crumble under pressure. So, what’s the solution? In past there was none but now LinkedIn has come up with a way to tell the students what their chances of getting a job could be, and what they can do to improve them. On Tuesday, a new patent was awarded to LinkedIn in which a system has been described that can score a student’s chances of success and also show them their strength and weakness points reports The Times of India TECH.

In today’s job hunting process, the main problem that LinkedIn has noticed is that the candidates are often automatically rejected by the employers as their experience or education is not up to the mark as required by the listed job. But the candidates are flabbergasted as to why they were rejected! They have absolutely no idea! The patent further explains this situation by stating that “In the case of other users who may be competing for the same requirement, the user may not be informed about the cause.” This predicament can be largely solved by the LinkedIn system as it has been designed to give candidates that feedback when they apply for a job. The system also suggests certain actions to the candidates to make them better suited for that job. Further, there is a predicted date of achievement for how long it would take to get the job offer.

Although, it can’t be said certainly whether LinkedIn would be receiving any success stories as this is only a patent and patent acquisitions do not necessarily foreshadow new product innovations. The new feature has already been made available for the premium account holders as they can see their ranks based on their experience and company. Although, they can’t identify the likelihood of success or the weaknesses in an application but can only know where they fall compared to other applicants., a site filled with online tutorials was recently bought by LinkedIn in order to try the new feature and turn into a money-generating tool. This move by LinkedIn makes it sure that the multi-national would try to use this new feature to push its job training programs.

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