New Enhancements Introduced for iPhone and iPad

Lock Note:

Apple is set to add value to security aspects for its user by enhancing its in-built apps. You can now secure your notes with your fingerprint or by setting a password to it. To enable the feature, click on share button and select ‘Lock Note’ once you are done creating notes. Additionally, iPhone also lets you save and send still ‘Live Photos’ with the Notes app. All you have to do is open a Live Photo in gallery, click on ‘Duplicate’ under share button and share it as a still image.


Apple introduced fourth generation of its TV with huge modifications in iOS. The company has termed the new OS for TV as ‘tvOS’ which according to Apple will bring revolution in OS for TV. Apple added Siri Dictation, Bluetooth supported keyboard, folder creation, iCloud photo library features through tvOS. With the support of iCloud, you can view vivid images on big screen feasibly. Also, inclusion of Siri eases the work to enter text and you can just ask Siri to input values using your voice. For an instance, to insert Username and Password without using keyboard, you just have to dictate. But while entering password, you will need to dictate every letter with upper case, lower case, special characters, and numbers used to create it.

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