Meet the Companies that are Leveraging AR and VR for Better Healthcare


As an innovative software and services provider for smart glasses, Vital Enterprises serves the manufacturing and health industry with unique software platform. The Vital platform enhances the productivity of technicians, surgeons and supporting personnel by facilitating information access during the work process. Professionals from the manufacturing and healthcare industry can reduce risk, improve the quality, and bring down the cost incursions while streamlining the process. “The time is right for smart glasses to take their place alongside other important technological innovations in large enterprises. The Vital software platform, along with smart glasses that are built for enterprise environments, represents an opportunity to greatly improve precision manufacturing and medical procedures,” says Mike Gardner, CEO, Vital Enterprises.

University of Minnesota Interactive Visualization Lab

It is not just commercial businesses’ ball game when it comes to virtual reality and augmented reality, even educational institutions are investing their effort in bringing breakthrough in healthcare through technology innovation. Research team at the University of Minnesota Interactive Visualization Lab has implemented a series of multimodal spatial interfaces and virtual environments. The adaption of spatial interfaces to low-cost VR environments would pave the way for in-home VR therapy for patients diagnosed with persistent pain including arthritis and cancer pain.

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