Meet the Companies that are Leveraging AR and VR for Better Healthcare

BENGALURU: Innovations like Google Glass exemplify the applications of augmented reality and virtual reality. Today innovative wearable products are being used in healthcare to deliver better healthcare. They are being implemented in surgeries, dental care, health and fitness regimes as an aid to the physically challenged, medical imaging, and overall patient care. The innovative technology is having a say in the education as well. Students from diverse streams including medical are being enabled with augmented reality and virtual reality technologies for better comprehension of the subject thus boosting their capabilities and helping them to grow as a better professional. These technologies are helping the medical device manufacturers to build greater intelligence in their machines. More intelligent devices are being built to enable smarter healthcare. Here we will see a few companies that are enabling better healthcare delivery through their products and solutions, reports Amy Talbott for TechRepublic.

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