Local Language Contents To Boost The Internet Usage In Country

BANGALORE: India is aiming to increase the internet usage in the country by increasing the local language content. Although the country is getting urbanized day by day there are a set of rural areas where web is still a dream. IAMAI (Internet and Mobile Association of India) reports the current scenario, reports Times of India.

According to a report published in synchrony with Indian Market Research Bureau, IAMAI stated that 127 million of India's 269 million internet users consume content in local (regional) languages. Of these 127 million, 81 million are based in rural parts of the country. With local language content, internet user base will raise 39percent, according to estimates, of which 75 percent growth will come from rural areas and 16 percent from urban regions.

IAMAI has suggested for an increase in the local language contents in all the website and apps for better availability to the larger audience, since about 88 percent of India's 1.32 billion citizens do not speak English. It is also recommended that corporate should rollout holistic local language solutions, including website, digital media, call centers, analytics, logistics and outbound communications, aimed at local language users. Already international companies such as Samsung, Micromax are providing phones and apps with the access to local language contents.

It is estimated that in next a few years we will be able to see a hike in the production and use of local language contents, which includes advertisements in local languages too. Thus resulting in a wide market for such contents and it is also calculated that the spending on online local language content may increase from 5 percent to 30 percent till 2020.

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