Indian Smartphone Market Trends: Here's What Top Honchos Predict For 2015

Unveiled for the first time globally in India, Google is planning to roll out the programme to bring an affordable smartphone to the masses across markets like Indonesia, Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka in the coming months.

“With several new innovations happening on the technical front, we will see a host of new devices with evolutionary technical developments such as increased memory, faster processors, higher resolution cameras etc. This will span across various price brands thus enhancing the range of smartphones available to Indian customers,” Bindal said.

The key differentiation factor in the future for mobile handset brands will include the technology development, service support and brand reliability, he added.

A Samsung spokesperson said it expects its sales to continue to grow robustly in 2015.

Market analysts are also betting big on wearables as a category to grow fast in the coming year. While 2014 saw many handset makers like Apple, Motorola, Samsung and LG announcing new smartwatches, sports companies like Adidas also jumped on the bandwagon with their fitness bands.

“With the advent of the Internet of Things, the potential of connecting with regular items such as TV, refrigerators or washing machines which can become smart enough to talk to. The future also depends a lot on the device, as not all wearables are the same and the market trend is reflecting that health and enterprise are the two sectors seeing the most attention,” Motorola India General Manager Amit Boni said.

Industry watchers are of the view that there is still an immense potential in the Indian market that players will explore in the coming year.

“The smartphone market in India is still not mature. India has only 111 million smartphone users and the projected user base is 519 million by FY18. Hence, there is high potential in the market,” said Joshi of Deloitte Haskins & Sells.

Many brands are lined up with new features and services to attract customers like OnePlusOne, Lenovo Layered phone will give tough fight to established brands, he added.

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Source: PTI