Indian Scientists Harness Solar Energy From Silk Cocoon

"The molecule equips the silk cocoon as well as the pupae with the ability to convert light to electricity and especially to UV light. So while we as humans are looking for sustainable UV solar cell material, to supplement the already existing inorganic UV absorbing materials like strontium titanate, here is a modest biomimetic inspiration that could be drawn from the myriad world of silkworm," the study notes.

According to Alok Bajpai, a psychiatrist at IIT-Kanpur, and one of the authors of the study, by tapping into the properties of silk cocoon, a bio solar battery could be designed for therapy of anxiety, chronic headache etc.

"Low cost silk mesh or silk cocoon based devices, if they retain the property of converting moisture, light and salt to electricity on surfaces like human skin, will create a revolutionary step in treatment of illnesses like chronic headache, generalized anxiety, erectile dysfunction and the like.

"If silk-based mesh is able to utilize the moisture and salt from the human skin and convert it to a micro current it can serve as a personalized biofeedback mechanism and relaxation device and an alternative to transcranial direct current devices that are being tested to ameliorate depression and anxiety. These would be essentially low cost due to abundance of silk," Bajpai concluded.

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Source: IANS