Indian Cannot Live Without Their Gadgets, Says a Survey

BENGALURU: A recent report released by Expedia showed that mobile phones play a vital role Indians lives and now Indians cannot live without gadgets. Survey cites the maturation of Indian traveler who is no longer hooked to conventional modes of bookings and rather uses numerous travel apps through their gadgets.

In addition various other local surveys also show that 95 percent of Indian respondents feel that their Smartphone holds critical importance to their daily life.

Expedia organized its survey via Northstar, a globally integrated strategic insights consulting firm. The Survey was conducted online from August 25 to September 17, 2014 across North America, Europe, South America and Asia Pacific.

Vikram Malhi, MD, Asia, Expedia said that they decided to conduct this survey to observe the booking behavior of the contemporary Indian traveler which resulted in proving Indians lead in app booking and data roaming plans globally.

About 75 percent of Indians use their Smartphone or tablet to book a hotel by using a mobile app, which is the highest of any country.

Also about 68 percent of Indians purchase an international data or roaming plan for their mobiles while traveling away from their home network, the report said.

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