India's Rise with Carbon Capture Technology

India's Rise with Carbon Capture Technology

The world is undergoing a serious climate crisis that revolves around the problem of carbon emissions. Various sources have to reduce their emissions to mitigate climatic change. Carbon capturing technologies provide prominent alternatives for capturing CO2 produced by industries or directly from the atmosphere and preventing it from increasing global warming. Over many years, carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology has been an afterthought in climate strategies but now appears as a key weapon against climate change. Rather than just addressing emissions at source, unlike traditional methods, CCS goes deeper into solving this issue by recovering and safely storing carbon dioxide already present in the atmosphere or produced by industrial activities. A departure from future emission reduction only, it therefore seeks actively to extract and store existing carbon; thus becoming essential for global objectives of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 through CCS targeting historical emissions instead of new ones alone.

Advanced Carbon Capture Technologies

Among the most outstanding advancements in CCS technologies is the progress made in CO2 capture techniques which are aimed at tackling emissions from sources such as power plants, industrial facilities and direct air capture systems. Various significant strides have been made in this direction to develop new materials and processes that enhance carbon dioxide adsorption efficiency, decrease energy consumption and reduce costs. Main technology areas are:

Chemical Absorption: This process utilizes a solvent for absorbing CO2 from flue gas. Afterwards, the solvent can be regenerated for subsequent use hence continuous CO2 capture.

Membrane Separation: It depends on specifically engineered membranes to selectively remove carbon dioxide from flue gas because this compound diffuses through the membrane more easily than other gases.

Cryogenics: Involves cooling of CO2 into liquid state with it subsequently being stored in tanks or transported through pipelines.

One very encouraging development is the Chemical Looping Technology, which could obviate the requirement for separate carbon capture systems. The approach employs metal oxides to shuttle oxygen from air to fuel resulting in flue gas that consists almost entirely of CO2. In its nascent stage, chemical looping may be more efficient and less energy-intensive than conventional chemical absorption. It also boasts retrofittability to existing power plants and industrial processes, thus making it more practicality advantageous. As of now, chemical absorption is expected to emerge as the dominant CCUS technology in the near future.

The growing focus of Blue Hydrogen is another transformative development. As the use of CCUS becomes more widespread, companies will increasingly be keen to know what they have to do to hit their net-zero goals. That has since triggered a large-scale deployment of CCS for blue hydrogen production-a low-cost route to achieving net-zero emissions.

The industry is expected to set the massive future demand for CCUS technologies-natural-gas producers, especially are where lying most of the oil and gas, but beyond that today. Blue hydrogen provides a consistent energy source as well as emission reduction and is filling the gap until green H2 has taken over.

Interaction with these technological leaps, research into renewable energy goes on. While scientists and experts continue to push the boundaries of technological breakthroughs with advanced solar panels, more efficient wind turbines and innovative energy storage systems, a number of low-hanging fruits are ripe for picking. On the other hand, given the short-time uncontrollable characteristic of those power sources, it is difficult for them to stably provide electricity continuously. However, this is why the combination of CCS technology is vital for a secure and sustainable energy future with substantial reductions in carbon emissions.

Deepak Pahwa, Chairman, Pahwa Group & Managing Director, Bry-Air, says,"Where carbon capture aids in arresting global warming by reducing industrial and thermal carbon emissions, our breakthrough concept of AWG aims at mitigating the water scarcity problem across the globe".

How Can Financial and Regulatory Challenges in CCUS Be Overcome?

A primary challenge is the substantial upfront cost associated with CCUS technology. Deploying CCS requires a considerable financial investment, covering everything from the setup and operational expenses of the plants to maintenance and other overhead costs. The overall expense is influenced by factors like the type of process, the separation technology used, methods of CO2 transportation, and the selection of storage sites. Additionally, the cost varies depending on the CO2 source, be it from the oil and gas sector, the cement industry, power generation, or other industries.

To address the high initial costs, expanding and creating robust storage infrastructure for the long-term storage of captured CO2 is essential to making CCUS feasible. This involves identifying suitable geological formations for CO2 storage and developing the necessary infrastructure for its transport and storage. It includes building pipelines, injection wells, and comprehensive monitoring systems to ensure safe and secure storage.

Another significant barrier is the lack of well-defined policy and regulatory frameworks. The absence of comprehensive policies and regulations specific to CCUS can impede its growth and deployment. Governments must establish favorable policies that incorporate carbon pricing mechanisms, offer financial incentives, and create supportive regulatory frameworks. Such measures will foster a constant and predictable business environment for CCUS. Also, international collaboration and coordination on policies and regulations can help tackle cross-border challenges and make sure a uniform approach to CCS implementation on a global scale.


CCUS has the potential to significantly cut emissions and is an essential for meeting global climate targets. Continued support and investment in CCUS can propel us towards a sustainable, low-carbon future, ensuring a healthier planet for generations to come.