Huawei Global Connectivity Index 2016- India Marked Among Starters

BENGALURU: The Internet is that unique platform that brings whole world together. The lessons of being connected rely on digital empowerment of nations where the most fortunate nations are able to offer their citizens the facility to get things done in a click. Today, the economic development of any modern country depends on Internet efficiency and ventures on to increase the digital literacy rate. Nowadays internet connectivity has become imperative among all citizens for increased communication, resources and also for sharing information worldwide. India has not been spared from the requirement of global connectivity either.

Based on the recent survey by Huawei, Tech 2 reports that India ranks at 44th position on Huawei Global Connectivity Index 2016 among 50 countries across the world..

The analysis demonstrates the digital transformations and connectivity journey of countries. 50 countries have been categorized under three groups based on GCI scores such as Starters, Adopters and Frontrunners. The Starters are countries in the starting age of their ICT infrastructures with the focus on developing the ICT supply by providing citizens access to the digital world. The Huawei Global Connectivity Index 2016, which is in its third edition has placed India at 44th position (as same as the last year) other countries listed under Starters Groups include Qatar, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Venezuela and Algeria.

Adopters are the second category in the survey that discloses the nations who ranks well in the GDP growth from GCI.  Here, the categorized countries are focused on enhancing ICT demand through industry digitization and high-quality economic growth. China has been spotted in the category and the average ratio for Adopters is average GDP: US Dollar 15,000 and GCI Range is 35-55.

The Frontrunners, which is the third category of Huawei survey includes only those nations who are economically developed. United States has been seen in the category and the average GDP is US Dollar 50,000 and GCI is 56-85.

The report also says that India has to develop its smartphone and mobile broadband availability across the nation including the nationwide deployment of 3G, and 4G. The survey further points out that India has to be more focused on upgrading its optical fiber Bharat Broadband Networks .The requirement of high-speed Internet connectivity across rural areas has been facilitated by the report. It also discloses the inferior standard of digital literacy programs across the rural and urban areas the country. Additionally, the report also comes to the conclusion that Government’s Digital India programme can turn out to be the best solution for uplifting the global connectivity standards in India. 

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