How the World is Moving Towards 3D Homes?

Owning a house is perhaps one of the lifetime dreams for every individual. But, in an overpopulated country like India, many factors such as long construction duration, smaller space, and lack of skilled labors hinder the process of accomplishing the dream to build a house. However, this scenario is changing with technology advancement; 3D printing is one of the digital innovations revamping the construction industry. 3D printing has transformed the traditional construction procedures by cutting down the labor requirements, reducing the construction duration from months to just hours, and most importantly, making the process cost-effective as well as highly sustainable.
Lately, the growing sophistication among people has augmented the demand for quality, ecological safety, high productivity and more. Thus, construction companies have embraced 3D printing to address these demands. In addition, 3D printing not only quickens the construction process but aids in maintaining precision while constructing intricate and personalized designs. Most importantly, 3D printing could be used in constructions that are carried out in harsh and perilous environments that are not suitable for humans to work.
3D printing plays a vital role in building smart cities that addresses the regular issues people face such as traffic congestion, air and water pollution and works on enhancing the overall quality of the city. Alongside, adopting 3D printing technology can minimize the time and money spent on construction. In addition, this technology utilizes CAD (computer-aided design) thus, reduces excessive human intrusion in the construction area. Hence, human errors are eliminated and their efforts are minimized. All these benefits have influenced the construction companies to invest in 3D printing technologies. With all the major applications, 3D printing market in construction was $129.95 million as of 2017 and is predicted to elevate to $314 million by 2023 at a CAGR of 15.9 percent.
The traditional construction involves a lot of risks like workers safety issues, and material transporting problems which usually delay the construction process and would also generate a lot of waste materials making it unsustainable. On the contrary, 3D printing addresses these issues and produces cost-effective, durable and energy-efficient houses. The technology eliminates the laborious process of hiring skilled workers, regular monitoring, raw material and logistical expenditures and so on. Instead, the technology just requires the builder's requirements and the construction is carried out by the machine. Furthermore, the construction process using 3D printing generates very little waste material and that can be reused within the manufacturing site thus, makes 3D printing construction completely eco-friendly.
The structures constructed using 3D printing are said to be stronger and could sustain for more than a century. The composition used in the construction is so tough that the US government is using this technology to build military bunkers that have to be quite solid. This indicates the efficiency of 3D printing technology and thus, we could soon witness its wide implementation across the country.