Here's What Big Techies Have On Their Home Screens

Fred Wilson: Fred is a venture capitalist or in easier terms a financier, who is the co-founder of Union Square Ventures, a firm that has investments in Web 2.0 companies such as Twitter, Tumblr, Foursquare, Zynga, Kickstarter, and 10gen, which are all startup companies in their own domains.

His smartphone’s home screen is filled with apps of all the startup companies that he has invested in and also a few apps for his leisure.

His interest with investments and startups has helped many firms get the platform they needed to finance their startups and keep it running.   

Bryan Goldberg:  The founder of Bleacher Reports that gave some of the best sports articles, Goldberg has moved on from that and is now focusing on his new ventures His phone’s home screen has apps that he uses everyday like messaging apps, social sites, and spotify.

His screen has tons of apps that he, apparently, access every day. Well this only makes one wonder about the seriousness he has when it comes to running a company effectively.  

 Matt Mullenweg:  Matt is an online social media entrepreneur, web designer, and a musician living in America. He is well known for being the one to develop the online open source web software, WordPress, which is now managed by “The WordPress Foundation.”

Mat like to fill his home screen with anything to do with communications and productivity. Some of the apps on his screen are tweetbot, Circa, 7 minutes and Blinkist, to name a few.

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