Google's Project Fi, Would it Disrupt Telecommunications?

BENGALURU: ‘A new way to say hello’ as Google describes its ambitious Project Fi, that is all set to take on the telecom industry by storm when it exited the invite-only strategy to open up to the masses in US on March 7th. It is a big leap by the internet giant into making its mark as a prominent mobile service provider. Here are a few aspects of Project Fi and our take on the matter.

The Technology

“Project Fi uses new technology to intelligently connect you to the fastest network whether it's Wi-Fi or one of our partner LTE networks.” As the site describes, it enables users tap in to a network of networks. Google claims all data is secured through encryption even while using open WiFi systems. A Special Project Fi Sim Card that supports multiple networks is in use. Gone would be the days where one would have to rely on single provider and so would the fierce competition that exists among providers. 120+ countries are currently supported for eligible usage of the service. Mobile Number Portability (MNP) is available to migrate to Project Fi.

Appears Relatively Cheap

Partnering with Sprint and T-Mobile, the Fi Basics plan appears simple and straightforward - $20 per month, which includes: unlimited domestic talk and text, unlimited international texts, ability to use your phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot, and coverage in 120+ countries. Additionally, $10 per GB of data without any annual contract and users would be credited for unused data, a relief from the ‘use it or lose it’ scheme adopted by several telecom providers internationally.

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