Google to Design a Keyboard for its Archrival

BENGALURU: Google is building a software keyboard for iPhone and other iOS platform. However it is still under wraps whether it will be released to consumers or not, reports, Hayley Tsukayama, The Washington Post.

Google makes plenty of applications for the iPhone, everything from maps to Google Drive applications that are fed directly into the popular services that millions of users enjoy already. The recent keyboard would serve a similar purpose which will incorporate Google’s search engine directly into the keyboard, assisting millions who prefer Google as their search engine.

When it comes to the search engine game, Google has an undeniable lead but that business is changing significantly as people have started using their phones to search rather than their computers. One of the reasons being mobile ads don’t cost as much as desktop ads and therefore deliver lower returns for Google. However, the firm does not face trouble as it could pull in most of the $21.3 Bn in revenue which was reported by the parent company Alphabet, last month.

Another major issue faced by this search engine giant is the enhanced usage of applications that has significantly caused a dip in the old habit of browsing through search engines. To give an example, today it is more likely for any mobile phone users to use “Facebook” from its dedicated application which is already installed in their phone OS rather than browsing through the internet for the same. The same is true for review websites such as Yelp or travel site like Expedia.

Therefore building search directly into the keyboard will help Google to boost mobile searches by making search super-convenient. Google is also looking forward to incorporate other features such as GIF and image searches which would add even more value to the program.

Apple has started allowing third-party keyboards on the iPhone from iOS 8 hence opening users base to a number of smaller companies that makes keyboards with features that Apple do not offer in its stock keyboard.

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