Google Glass Can Help People With Autism

BANGALORE: A few enhancements and a piece of software will make the eye-wearable device Google Glass ready to help people with autism, media reported.

Autism, a developmental disability, is known to cause communication and behavioural challenges.

This software has been designed to help those with autism make eye contact, engage in conversations and more easily read social situations, said a report on

"It coaches eye contact directly, rewarding points to the child or adult with autism. Then, when they look at someone in the eye, their little computer screen shows the emotions the other person is feeling," said Ned Sahin, CEO and founder of Brain Power.

The Brain Power system adds enhancements to the Google Glass or other wearable technology and then a suite of software.

"A mom can speak to her child through the device and actually see what he is seeing. We activate the camera so it becomes a remote version of her eyes," Sahin said.

The glasses can help make someone relax by playing soft music and even has a solution to the fear of "wandering".

Clinical trials for the new technology will begin this fall at Harvard Medical School. Brain Power hopes to begin releasing the product in the near future.

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Source: IANS