Glimpse of Six Advanced Research Projects of Chinese Technology

BENGALURU: Each and every country is investing their relentless effort to produce forward-thinking artifacts to accomplish advanced critical missions and safeguard its own subjects in times of crisis. Particularly, China has significantly narrowed the gap between conception and reality through their advanced research projects in order to level up to the much hyped ‘future’ technologies. Let us take a look on Chinese’s ground breaking projects underway on the Chinese mainland.

According to the report of Stephen Chen of South China Morning Post (scmp), one of China’s eminent physicists has called for producing a government agency similar to the US institute that develops novel technology for the military. “Washington’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in the US, or DARPA, was a good model of how to pursue innovative research for military applications, including the internet, GPS and voice recognition technology,” said Professor Pan Jianwei, an expert on quantum physics and EVP, University of Science and Technology, China.

Here are those glimpses of Chinese’s technology on their future missions:

Five-Hundred-Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST)

Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) is located at a great depression with a diameter of about 800 m at 25.647N and 106.856E, which is about 170 km by road from the provincial capital Guiyang, near the village of Dawodang, in Guizhou Province. Managed by the National Astronomical observatories (NAOC) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) with the government of Guizhou province as a cooperation partner, FAST is going to be the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope. The construction is expected to be completed in September. It has three times the sensitivity of the Arecibo Observatory built by the United States in Puerto Rico. The mission of FAST is to look for radio signals sent out by outer space intelligence.

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