Fixed Broadband Speed Witness Surge in India

Mean fixed broadband download speeds in India have risen by 16.5 per cent during the second quarter (Q2) and third quarter (Q3) of 2019 and topped 34.07 Mbps in September while country-wide Internet speeds were expected to increase, US-based broadband speed tester Ookla said on Wednesday.
"With Reliance Jio's rollout of its new GigaFiber service in India in early September, we will likely continue to see countrywide speeds increase," the company said in a statement.
According to the Ookla's report, which examined the recent trends in Indian telecom market during the last two quarters, India is the leader in mean fixed broadband download speed amongst other neighbouring countries, with Bangladesh at 24.02 Mbps and Pakistan with flat speeds between 8.54 and 9.14 Mbps.
Availability of 4G continues to improve in India as the country's mobile providers are trying to provide consistent coverage across the country.
This availability is the percentage of an operator's known locations where a device has access to LTE service (including roaming).
India's 4G Availability was relatively high at 87.9 per cent across providers during Q2-Q3 2019, which means that Speedtest users had access to LTE service at 87.9 per cent of surveyed locations.
The 4G availability was 58.9 per cent in Pakistan and 58.7 per cent in Bangladesh during the same period.
Ookla looked at fixed and mobile download speeds in the 15 largest cities in India during 2019, Q2-Q3 and found out that Chennai had the fastest mean download speed over fixed broadband (51.07 Mbps), followed by Bengaluru (42.50 Mbps) and Hyderabad (41.68 Mbps).
The slowest download speeds on our list were measured in Nagpur (20.10 Mbps), followed by Pune (22.78 Mbps) and Kanpur (23.20 Mbps).
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