Cooper Corp and Sinfonia Technology to Launch LPG Gensets in India, Japan, and ASEAN

Cooper Corp and Sinfonia Technology to Launch LPG Gensets in India, Japan, and ASEAN
Cooper Corporation, a leading engine, engine component, and generator manufacturer, has entered into a strategic partnership with Japan’s Sinfonia Technology to introduce Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) gensets in India, Japan, and ASEAN countries. This collaboration aims to meet the growing demand for eco-friendly power solutions in these regions.
As part of this collaboration, Cooper Corporation and Sinfonia Technology are also working on developing a series of hydrogen engines for on-road and off-road applications. These advancements mark a significant step in their commitment to sustainable energy solutions.
The LPG gensets, which adhere to the stringent CPCB IV+ emission standards set by the Central Pollution Control Board of India, will be showcased at the Gas India Expo 2024 in Greater Noida next month. The CPCB IV+ standards represent the latest and most rigorous environmental regulations for diesel generators in India.
Farrokh N Cooper, Chairman and Managing Director of Cooper Corporation Pvt Ltd, expressed optimism about the partnership, stating, “Our collaboration with Sinfonia Technology reflects our shared vision of delivering innovative solutions that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our customers. These gensets, with their compact footprint and low operational costs, offer a viable and economical alternative to traditional diesel gensets and grid power”.
The co-branded gensets are engineered to meet the latest environmental standards and are expected to be well-received in the target markets. Their compact design, ease of maintenance, and cost-efficiency make them an attractive option for both domestic and international customers seeking reliable power solutions.
Masaki Tatsuda, Manager of Social Infrastructure Sales at Sinfonia Technology Co Ltd, emphasized the collaboration’s focus on technological excellence. “Through our combined expertise and dedication to innovation, we aim to empower customers with reliable, eco-friendly power solutions that pave the way for a greener future”.
Cooper Corporation highlighted that hydrogen as a fuel has already been introduced in countries like Japan and the US, and India may soon adopt hydrogen as a viable fuel source. The ongoing development of hydrogen engines by Cooper and Sinfonia underscores their commitment to advancing clean energy technologies.
Cooper Corporation, with its 13 production facilities in Satara, Maharashtra, specializes in manufacturing components and both diesel and gas engines. Sinfonia Technology, known for its diverse business operations, including automotive testing systems, aerospace components, industrial vehicles, and robotics, brings a wealth of expertise to this collaboration.
This partnership not only marks a significant milestone for both companies but also sets the stage for the introduction of cutting-edge, environmentally friendly power solutions across India, Japan, and the ASEAN region.