Check Out These 4 New Features For Gmail On Android

BENGALURU: With the new Android Lollipop rolling out, the new changes on the Google apps and menus are expected. So, here are some of the changes on the gmail which is expected to make it easier for the user as compiled by the cNET.

# A Completely New Design

On the new Gmail, probably the first thing to cross your eyes would be the red stripe across the top. It comes with a slide-out menu on the left of the app which allows you to switch accounts by viewing the Gmail's categories that include Primary, Social, Promotions and Updates. The slide-out menu category now has an icon on it which makes it much easier to spot and browse through.

The new Gmail feels neater and looks like it’s been inspired by the new Android 5.0 Lollipop. More of the white space and the slimmer look, a small tweak to circular icons for the contacts gives a feeling of space with the new version being much roomier.

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