Apple Turns 39: 10 Facts That You Aren't Aware Of


Apple’s Lisa computers were launched in 1983 and to their expectations it failed to be successful. This failure sealed the fate of 2700 Lisa computer which were buried in a dump in Utah.

Bottoms up

The glowing Apple logo on Apple Laptop’s for many years was upside down making the logo bottoms up. The model was turned downright so that it would look better in the Hollywood movies, where you could see the Hero cracking a code on the laptop.


The first ever iPhone by Apple was launched in 2007, with a built that was envy to other companies.  The people at the public expo were awestruck by the look and features of the phone.

If you want to fabricate an iPhone going back in time during the 90’s then the RAM that was used itself would have cost $1.44mn and the whole make would have made your pockets acid holed.


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