Apple Might Chuck Google For Yahoo

BANGALORE: Apple is likely to turn its back on Google as its default search engine on Safari, the browser functioning on all the Apple products. The contract has come close to its expiry in 2015 which in all probability could spot the replacement of Google by Yahoo or Microsoft’s Bing, reports The Economic Times.

The two new possibilities are in talks with Eddy Cue from Apple. Apple has lately been discarding services by Google like Maps and YouTube from its devices. This has further elevated the curiosity if Apple would stick to the giant search engine.

As for now both the companies have chosen to stay mum on the speculation. However, the chief executive at Yahoo, Marissa Mayer, has come out in front to comment on the possibility of replacing Google as the new search engine for Apple devices. She commented, "Safari users are the most engaged and lucrative in the world,"

The split-up is unlikely to harm Google. The news brings up the inquisitiveness whether users would prefer any search engine other than Google. And how far the split would affect both the parties where Google is estimated to shell out 35-80 percent of the returns earned from searches?

Yahoo stands a fat chance to replace Google which would yet again bring gains for yahoo as it did while replacing the same for Firefox. What is more concerning for Google is that it would lose it prosperous clients associated through Apple which might also result in a 6 percent drop per share earnings, estimated analysts.

On the contrary, this split might benefit Google where it wouldn’t have to share the returns from the searches made.

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