Apple Attacks Windows, Android With New Updates

Apple devices will now be able to anticipate what a user wants to do next based on location, the time, apps opened, or content the user is connected to. "It can also offer suggestions based on upcoming meetings and communication patterns," Craig said.

The event also saw Jennifer Bailey, a 10-year Apple veteran and vice president of internet services, announce Apple Pay which will be launched in Britain. Londoners can take advantage of it and pay for their transit on the bus using the app. With iOS 9, users will be able to add retail store cards and reward cards to Apple Pay.

A few updates on apps were also announced. The Notes app, which has been completely redesigned for iOS9, will allow users to add a checklist of to-do items and access camera app from Notes to add photos.

Maps, the app, will also get updated and will get a new Transit view. Maps will now include directions for public transportation like buses, trains, subways, and ferries. The service will be launched in London as well as Berlin, New York, Mecxico City, San Francisco, Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Apple introduced a new News app. Susan Prescott, vice president of product marketing, who joined Apple in 2003, introduced the app and explained its functions. The app looked a lot like Flipboard and will include news, interactive stories, photo galleries, animations and video.

Apple, which launched the iWatch six weeks back, also announced the arrival of the WatchOS 2. Users will be able to add photos, add photo album and add time-lapse photos for the watch face. The watch will be capable of showing and aiding usage of car-battery charge, home-control systems etc.

Interestingly, the watch will come with a time travel mode which shows the user about his schedule planned in his calendar. Features like alarms, replying to email, sketching ability and face time audio will also be present.

The new OS for the watch will also support voice control for Siri, apple pay, the wallet app along with the transit view on Maps app. The watch with the new update will be able to function with standalone Wi-FI and access microphone on it. Apple will also release watchkit (libraries for WatchOS) for developers to develop more apps for the watch.

At the end of the conference, Apple launched its music service. The service will not only host a library of songs but also connect artists with fans and will also run a 24/7 global radio station based out of three cities.

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Source: IANS