Android Vs iOS, Who's the Real Stealer?

BENGALURU: Here we are, aware of the fierce competition between Android and Apple that has been going on for quite a long time. Both the parties have their pros and cons and their policies range from being entirely different to being mutual depending upon the aspect under consideration. Apple’s strategy of picking up a rather obsolete things of the past and renovating them with innovations from inside out has been immensely successful. Think of the iPod, born out from the good old walkman. iPad, the reincarnation of the ‘digital diary’ of the nineties. And recently, the company’s take on watches, incorporating the ‘smart and wearable tech’ tags on to them. Taking another close look at some of the new features that Apple has incorporated to the new iOS 9.3; we can see a similar approach at the software/app level.  Here are some iOS 9.3 features that may have been inspired from Android OS, yet impressively tweaked and modified in tune with Apple’s commitment to deliver a better experience.

Now more Noteworthy – The notes app in iOS enables password protection, photo and map compatibility, sketching and cloud back up options. Notes App is essentially a merger of Android’s Google Keep – that allows checklist and notes only with cloud back up; Evernote and similar apps that allows making photo notes; other password enabler apps; as well as those note making apps which are scattered in the play store that supports incorporating maps to them for free. iOS Notes app is thus a combined superpower of individual note making apps that are featured in the play store.

Apple Pencil for iPad Pro – That piece of ‘elongated nail with grips’ that came especially with Samsung brands, were just to replace fingers with more precision tool for sketching. Apple managed to revamp the whole ‘mini rod’ by adding sensors, connectivity options etc and blending it with 3d touch tech. Yes, Apple Pencil comes at an additional cost but the innovation incorporated into the device deserves applauds.

SIRI Reenergized – Apple claims, SIRI is smarter than ever, as it incorporates AI powered functionalities to ease the daily lives of the users.  But isn’t SIRI basically a speech incorporated replica of the wise Google Now and similar services? With SIRI, Apple chose to innovate, while we have other players in the smart phone market that tries to mimic the technology. But it’s perfectly fine, for it fosters competition and more importantly it would reflect Apple setting itself as an example to its competitors and vice versa.

Compiling the best features of Apple’s competitors– The Split screen has been the flagship feature of Android devices. Low Power Mode, in other words is a tweak to Android’s options for power saving that includes, brightness reduction, tracking app usage, other 3rd party apps for the same intent etc. Incorporating directions of public transport, reviews of nearby places etc for Apple maps which was a huge disappointment in the previous version of iOS. The Quicktype Keyboard borrows the best features of the default keyboard interface available in Android, word prediction, copying text, inserting documents or images etc. The shift key, which was missing from the Apple keyboard interface, has also been incorporated. In-search setting and battery widgets are also features that have been borrowed as is from Android.

Android adopting Apple’s tech: Android has been around pretty much before the launch of the first iPhone, so it is ignorant to claim that Android ‘stole’ from Apple. Yet, it is safe to assume that the tablet trend was brought in by Apple. Android M, the latest version of Android has implemented a floating menu similar to that of Apple and is well on its way to have its own version of Touch ID. Given the recent privacy versus security row Apple had with the FBI, Google has taken special care regarding app permission with a look out for security. And very soon we can expect to witness prominent Android manufacturers incorporating the 3D Touch. Evidently, at such a time after years of competition, it is unclear who ‘steals’ from who yet ‘stealing’ proves to nurture quality, which is a positive outcome in the race for a competitive edge.

Read Aslo: Google to Design a Keyboard for its Archrival

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