Yahoo Likely To Replace Google As Default Firefox Search

BENGALURU: On a move to step up the declining search market share, Yahoo’s chief executive Marissa Mayer signed a deal with the Mozilla to substitute the Google browser as a default search engine on the Firefox browser in the U.S., reports Reuters.

The financial details of the deal were not disclosed by Mayer which could mean that the partnership between the two companies is a revenue sharing one with some “guarantees” on it. Mayer also added that this deal will put together Yahoo search into Firefox's browser for desktops and Smartphones giving a “Share gain” for Yahoo.

"It's one of the largest independently-directed search share opportunities available in the market," Mayer said, without disclosing how much of profit is expected by Yahoo from the deal. The deal is expected to last for the next five years and will start by December.  

As far as the users of the Firefox browser in the U.S. are concerned, they will automatically be directed to search their queries on the Yahoo's website when they type it into the small box on the top of the browser.

However, Yahoo said it has modified the looks of its search engine by using more of good graphics and photos. The internet search results will be powered by Microsoft, where Yahoo and Microsoft had the 10-year partnership which began in 2010.

Yahoo currently has a share of 10 percent in the U.S. search engine market on the desktops and Mozilla Firefox had about 10.4 percent of the browser market on PCs, smartphones and tablets the last month.

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