World's First Virtual Agent with Emotional Intelligence - [24]7 AIVA

[24], a global leader in customer engagement solutions, introduced [24]7 AIVA first advanced AI-powered virtual agent, to possess emotional intelligence, detect emotion during interactions, acknowledge and respond empathetically. The innovation further broadens the company’s vision of humans and chatbots working side-by-side as the live agent.

Dan Miller, Lead Analyst, Opus Research, says, “The market has become crowded, and the ability to respond based on recognizing an individual’s emotional state is a key differentiator. We believe that reacting to sentiment and collaborating with human agents will result in faster resolution, increased satisfaction, reduced effort, and stronger customer engagement. This should be a top consideration for Fortune 500 companies.”

[24] ‘s AIVA handles over a million interactions monthly for top Fortune 500 companies and this enables a new level of self-service because it can not only detect positive or negative emotion but also analyze the strength of emotions and act accordingly. Opus Research suggests that organizations will spend a projected $5.5 billion by 2021 on Intelligent Assistants.

Scott Horn, Chief Marketing Officer, [24], avers, “Human interactions are complex, but through artificial intelligence we can now handle more complex issues the way a human would. Using advanced AI techniques to detect emotion, [24]7 AIVA can not only understand how customers feel, but also take logical actions the way your best human agents would. This frees up agents, while ensuring that customer’s feel heard, resulting in a better overall experience.” 

The [24] Summer Release also includes other enhancements, such as a conversational model design (a graphical user interface enabling non-data scientists and business analysts to easily build and test conversation models) and visualization capabilities (enables analysts to view dominant customer behavioural paths more interactive).

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