Users To Get More Privacy Controls In Android M

Android M

BANGALORE: Google is all set to unveil the next major edition of Smartphone OS in the upcoming annual event Google I/O conference. The new Android will be called Android M and it is not final regarding what ‘M’ would stand for, reports IE.

The upcoming Android OS is said to have better options to enhance the users’ privacy. “People who have an inside knowledge of the matter and notes that these privacy controls will allow users what permissions to grant to a particular app, which could include access to photos, contacts, location,” reported by Bloomberg.

The new privacy controls will act tough on third party apps if the user doesn’t want to share his private things such as location, photos, contacts, microphone, Bluetooth sharing, Calendar, Reminders and etc.

In the current edition of Android OS, when a user downloads an app, the app will prompt its user for a permission to access user’s private data before installing the app. Just like CyanogenMod, the Android M will let its users to turn off private data access permissions for the apps after they have been installed. This very feature was seen in earlier version of Android 4.3, where it allowed users to toggle the same permission for each app with the help of a hidden feature called Apps Ops.

In its following version the feature was removed in the Android 4.4.2. However, most of the users didn’t like this change in the past. Hence, Google is bringing the same feature with minor enhancement in its upcoming Android M.   

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