Humanoid Robots That Display Human Emotions

BENGALURU: Humanoid robots are poised to take a leap from a mere facsimile of human behavior, to one that futurists suggest, will walk like a human and possess self awareness as well as a full range of high-tech computational spectrum analysis, capabilities and emotions. These Robots are the next stage in human evolution. They are the modern day Robots and are available commercially, according to

Atlas Unplugged

Atlas The robot, was developed by Google-owned Boston Dynamics with the U.S. Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency, for its robotics challenge and was designed to negotiate rough, outdoor terrain in a bipedal manner, while being able to climb using hands and feet as a human would. The first version of it was released in July 2013, while the new generation of the robot is dubbed “Atlas unplugged” as it can operate on battery power and be controlled wirelessly.

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