Artistic Furniture's that will Amaze You

BENGALURU: Sci-Fi movies depict the futuristic world as an abstract. Let us have a look to what the future locale looks like. Here are some of the creative futuristic furniture’s that make you feel ahead of time:

MWE Lab Emperor 200

MWE Lab designed the Emperor 200 and forged it with an industrial grade steel structure giving it the ability to tilt 360°, powerful integrated audio system, 24″ LED screen, and High-Efficiency Particulate Arrestance (HEPA) air filtering system. The MWE Lab Emperor has made its way to wide variety of applications, aeronautics, medical, military, industrial and many more.

Kure Family Dining Table

“Kure” is a Turkish word for ‘sphere’ and the dining table designed resembles a sphere when closed but when open can accompany a family of 6 people to dine together. Kure Family Dining Table has a light source at the top and bottom of the table; customization can also be done regarding the position and direction of the table.

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