Apps To Help You Out Through Different Phases Of Life
siliconindia | Wednesday, 28 January 2015, 11:56 Hrs
BANGALORE: There are umpteen numbers of apps to suit your day to day life from apps that can calculate your calorie intake to apps that can fix a date for you. With the up-scaling technology in mobile devices, be it androids or iPhones, we tend to optimize every minute of our lives with apps that cater to our respective needs, reports the Muse.
Here is a list of popular apps that might just come in handy while dealing with day to day situations:
CARDIOGRAPH- is an app that monitors heart rate. It uses built in camera to determine the pulse and heart's rhythm. Other feature
includes saving the result for future reference along with measuring and tracking multiple people’s reading in individual folders.
- MAPMYRUN- is an application that fuels in the motivation to burn your calories. It not only tracks the miles covered but also suggests the course to be taken. Moreover, it can bring in data from third-party devices and manually enter workouts.