9 Technologies That Are Ready To Boom In 2015

2. DevOps

DevOps is a concept dealing with, among other things: software development, operations, and services.

The specific goals of a DevOps approach include improved deployment frequency, which can lead to faster time to market, lower failure rate of new releases, shortened lead time between fixes, and faster mean time to recovery in the event of a new release crashing or otherwise disabling the current system.

Companies with very frequent releases may require a DevOps awareness or orientation program. Flickr developed a DevOps approach to support a business requirement of ten deployments per day

3. Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC)

SDDC is a vision for IT infrastructure that extends virtualization concepts such as abstraction, pooling, and automation to all of the data center’s resources and services to achieve IT as a service.

With many possible implementation scenarios, SDDC support can be claimed by a wide variety of approaches. Promoters believe that software will define the data centers of the future and accept the SDDC as a work in progress.

The software-defined networking market is expected to be valued at about $3.7 billion by 2016, compared to $360 million in 2013. IDC (International data Corporation) estimates that the software-defined storage market is poised to expand faster than any other storage market.

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