8 Ways To Save Your Account From Getting Hacked

Password Vaults

Remembering the passwords to all the accounts is certainly impossible by all of us. So, to avoid that if you assign a single password to all your accounts, then you just took a step near to getting your accounts hacked. Never write it down, as there are high chances of it falling in the wrong hands.

So utilize the services offered by sites like Lastpass, Roboform and Keepass which offers password vaults to save the passwords relieving you of the hassles of remembering or writing it down. By using this you will be logged in by entering the login details and all you have to remember is only one password that is of the vault. Since it is only one to be remembered make the password as complex as possible using special characters, numbers and alphabets, but remember to keep it above 12 characters. Else you can use the complex password generator by afore mentioned services itself.


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