8 Ways Fraudsters Could Dole Out Your Money
Mobile Fraud
Pay by phone is the latest happening with mobile always at your side. Every retailer and every bank nowadays have apps of their own for swifter transactions, which leaves a back door for the hackers to mishap.
Apps can be created quite easily, so can be mimiced apps of banks which store all your card details. RBI has issued a warning recently that a third party app is doing rounds as the RBI official apps leading customers in compromising their bank details.
Man in the middle (MIIM)
Who doesn’t love free Wi-Fi and so do the hackers. Hackers connect to the same Wi-Fi connection the user is in or he himslef is the free provider. With same connection the hacker can redirect all the personal details you enter through a back door. Using software all the details from personal to official to financial are out in the open for him.
Often while performing banking transactions, you will be given a warning on the security certificate before proceeding, it is better to click ‘No’, if you want to save yourself.