8 Most Stylish Tech Wearables for Women

BANGALORE: Women love their accessories, they need it to beautify themselves and it’s also a way for them to feel confident. There is no end to the accessories that women have like rings, bracelets, necklaces, chains and ear rings. Well what if these accessories could be the next gadget that keeps one updated, informed and act as a safety device from attacks? Well that is exactly what some of the jewelry designing companies have done. They have taken normal, everyday accessories and turned them into gadgets that alert one of calls, texts, and act as trackers as well.   

Hence accessories are more than just fashion statements. Here are some fashions cum technology-interwoven accessories that are made to surely make women go bonkers and shell out the bucks, as compiled by Business Insider.

MICA-Smart Bracelet: Here is an Intel-partnered-Opening Ceremony smart bracelet that has a 3G radio that helps to display notifications on a 1.6 inch touch screen.

Well this bracelet is not just a metal piece but has been crafted with precious stones and snakeskin to give women the look they want.

This bracelet is out in the stores of America and it won’t be long before it reaches the rest of the world.

The On-the-Go Charger: Handbags are just one of those items that women cannot live with. It has also turned in to a fashion statement where girls carry these huge hand bags, just because they look pretty but when you look inside there is nothing but a purse.

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