7 Real Ways Technology Will Change News In 2015

# No Money for News

AdsThe traditional news organizations’ income does not come from news alone, and the advent of internet has made everyone to ask for many things that to for free. There are people making money with news, with advertisements such as “branded content” and “native advertising”.

This means the ethics of Journalism has totally been forgotten and the border between Journalism and advertising are weakening day by day. But optimists say that advertising has been the revenue generator and there is nothing wrong with advertisers wanting to be allied with popular news organization.

#Content is everything

At the end of the day, real informative content wins. There may be many celebrity news that may fetch good audience but the news with the good content always wins. There are numerous evidences to support this claim.

There are people, who look out for in-depth detail regarding some news even if it exceeds usual news time and words on TV and newspaper respectively. The technology has bigger hand in making the news more approachable and cheap. Both editors and audience are satisfied with the result of their work.

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