7 Real Ways Technology Will Change News In 2015

BANGALORE: We are very familiar with our daily news feeds, aren’t we? A decade ago, did you think that other means of communication would take over the contemporary news delivery? We thought, TV took over newspaper with constant update of news and it cannot be replaced, but looks like we were wrong, reports BBC.

Apparently,TV has taken over  the  internetwith news gimmicks such as listicles and clickbait headlines. There are many internet channels rupturing up that are convenient in every way comparatively. And People are not just settling for photographs and text in news.

So, here are some technologies that will change the news in future.

# Internet in Pocket

PhoneSmartphones which are more powerful than a desktop computer these days leave no match to traditional news transmission. An outstanding convenience of mobility and fast internet accessibility helps everyone to get the news on the go.

With all these amenities nobody wants to leave this piece of gadget back home. More than half of the world use mobiles to communicate, but now things have changed with gradually people upgrading to Smartphones. Slowly, Smartphones are taking the place of other means of communication which we used to rely on earlier.

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